‘It gives me great pleasure when I gain a glimmer of recognition from a service user with a brain injury who begins to respond to me and develops small steps along the road in life.’ – nurse at Leonard Cheshire Disability care home.

Core purpose

Individual care is at the heart of what we do at Leonard Cheshire. Without our nurses this simply wouldn’t be possible. Many of the team have come to work for Leonard Cheshire Disability as a recommendation – because of how highly we value their work. They are indispensable to us and the people we support. They tell us that witnessing people’s progress, however small this may seem from the outside, is what drives them.


Our nurses tell us that they love how varied the nursing roles are at our care homes. From helping someone to use eye gaze technology to helping them interact with the sensory garden, or simply making them laugh, every day brings a fresh set of opportunities to unlock new skills and knowledge.


Our nurses’ impact is major. They preserve people’s dignity - something that is crucial for disabled people. They foster respect and enable the people we support to achieve their dreams.


From general practice nurses to Deputy Managers, we offer fantastic opportunities for individuals who really want to make a difference and forge long lasting relationships with colleagues and disabled people.