Learning and development
We are committed to providing excellent opportunities for ongoing learning and development for all of our employees, helping them learn and grow through a combination of formal and informal learning.
Formal learning
Our formal learning and development is coordinated by our dedicated Learning and Development team – a reflection of how seriously we take professional development.
This support ranges from a thorough induction to a comprehensive internal training programme, supported by external training and learning opportunities. In addition, employees have the opportunity to apply for grants for study materials and for paid time off for study leave.
We offer sponsorship for external training courses such as advanced social work, therapy, nursing, management and other professional qualifications. Our apprenticeship programme is being developed, to enable employees to develop their skills and gain qualifications in a number of professional streams.
Our Leading for Excellence programme offers managers the opportunity to increase their management effectiveness.
Informal and on-the-job learning
With the support of their management and colleagues, employees are able to develop their skills and talents through their daily work. We offer exposure to new and interesting work in support of personal growth and job satisfaction. As we have great teams, our employees help each other develop by sharing their knowledge and experience.
We want to ensure you are challenged to develop your skills, experience and competencies and build a long term career with Leonard Cheshire.Investors in people

Investors in People is an internationally recognised accreditation standard which helps organisations across the world define what it takes to lead, support and manage people well for sustainable results.
Leonard Cheshire is a Silver level member, which means we are fully committed to developing and supporting our people and managers.
Career development
We offer a wide range of career streams, including:
- Care, support and ancillary
- Clinical professionals
- International advocacy
- Fundraising
- Programmes
- Support functions
Within these streams, we offer career progression on merit, supported by our learning and development programme.